New Puppy 101: How to Raise Your New Four-Legged Friend


Raising a puppy is a challenge for new and experienced dog owners, but it can also be an exciting, life-changing experience. The goal is to provide your puppy with a safe environment, but the line between safety and overprotection is thin.

To help your puppy grow into a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted adult dog, the American Kennel Club has some tips for raising puppies.

Coaching. The cute puppy’s misbehavior will become a lot less cute when she gets older. Be sure to teach your puppy good manners when he is young. Teaching basic commands as a puppy will go a long way throughout its adult years. Training classes can be extremely useful and a lot of fun for you and your new puppy.

Don’t play too rough. Puppies love to play, but it’s important that they learn the appropriate level of brutal play from a young age. Your puppy needs to learn his manners when it comes to playing with other people as well as with other animals. If you let her play too roughly when she is a puppy, it could become a bad habit as an adult.

Limit treats. Even though those puppy eyes make it hard to say no, you should limit the amount of treats you give your new puppy. Treats can alter your growing puppy’s appetite for better balanced, more nutritious meals. You don’t want to spoil her either. Puppies quickly learn that by begging, crying and taking action, they can get what they want, so it is best to control this behavior at a young age.

Socialization is vital. It is crucial to make sure that your dog is comfortable in all situations. Socializing your puppy is extremely important and should start early, as it sets the stage for your dog to feel happy and confident throughout his life. Once your puppy is properly vaccinated, it’s important to start exposing him to new people, places, and situations as soon as possible.

Stay consistent. Decide which furniture or parts of the house are off limits and be consistent with the application. Don’t berate your dog for being on the couch one day and leave him there the next day. Be sure to praise your puppy when he follows the rules.

Eliminate household dangers. Make sure there are no places in your house where your puppy can easily fall or get trapped. In addition, do not keep substances that can make her sick, such as garbage, household cleaning products, medicines, pesticides, etc.


About Chuck Keeton

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