What to expect when adopting a pet from a shelter


Congratulations! You’ve found the perfect feline or canine addition to your family at the Mesilla Valley Animal Service Center. You had a “social” and everyone is in love. Now all you have to do is bring your new dog or cat home and everyone will live happily ever after, right?

Let’s take a step back.

Adopting an ASCMV animal can be a wonderful experience for you and the animal you rescue, but patience and preparation will go a long way towards ensuring this happiness forever. Remember that for your new pet, your home will be unfamiliar, strange, and maybe even a little scary. The most important thing you can do is give your adopted pet the time and chance to adjust to your home and family and learn what is expected.

First of all, however. If you are renting, make sure you can have a pet in your home. It’s time to check your lease or speak to your landlord before adopting. Please don’t try to sneak in an animal! Many pets have been returned because “the owner does not allow it”. Are you moving soon? Perhaps wait until you adopt to be in your new home to make sure your furry friend is welcome.

Let’s talk about lifestyle – yours and your new pet’s. If your pet has to be alone for long hours every day, it might not be the right time for a pet. Or consider adopting two pets so they can have fun. According to ASCMV Kennel Supervisor Paul Richardson, just like humans, animals are bored too and they will find something to do, like chewing on your favorite shoes… or your couch. Be prepared to take care of their emotional needs with toys and attention.

When it comes to exercise, while dogs love to run around the yard, don’t underestimate their ability to get outside! According to Geri Wheelis, Volunteer Hospitality Coordinator for ASCMV, if there is a way out your dog will find it, so secure your yard. Likewise, Geri suggests using a harness to take Fido out for walks – a twisting dog may slip out of a collar. Be ready.

Let’s talk poo! Most of the ASCMV dogs poop and pee in their kennels. Be prepared for “accidents” – they will happen. Even if a dog has been in a house before, he will need to learn his new potty routine. ASCMV volunteer Foster Schneider suggests that before your adopted dog enters your home for the first time, make him pee and mark outside where you want him to go so that it has a reference to return to.

Finally, be patient when introducing your new animal to young humans and other pets. Cats need to be integrated slowly, and children may not understand how to handle (or not handle!) A cat, risking injury to both the cat and the young human. Of course, never leave a small child alone with an animal. When presenting dogs, Foster suggests keeping them on a leash and presenting them end to end first – this is how dogs get to know each other. A forced first face-to-face meeting could create unnecessary tension and even aggression. Be prepared and patient.

Adopting an ASCMV animal is rewarding, and the staff at ASCMV wish you and your new furry family member to live happily ever after. Need help figuring out how to resolve a problem with your ASCMV adopted dog? A good place to start is the Doña Ana County Humane Society‘s Ruff to Ready program. Visit dachslc.org/rufftoready or call 575-647-4808. For cats, there are many online resources such as the ASPCA (aspca.org/pet-care/cat-care/common-cat-behavior-issues).

Preparation and patience lead to happiness forever with your new furry best friend.

Elaine Stachera Simon writes for the Animal Services Center in the Mesilla Valley. Follow on Facebook (facebook.com/ASCMV), visit ascmv.org or call 575-382-0018.

More Notes from the Mesilla Valley Animal Service Center:


About Chuck Keeton

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